NFV Plotter
The NFV Plotter is a tool that can be used to plot data gathered by air quality monitoring pods. In order for the plotter to run, the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) must also be installed. This is done automatically by using the plotter installer. If you have used the installer before or have already installed the MCR on your computer, you just need to download the plotter (to get the new version).
If you have never installed the plotter:
Windows Installer Download (1.1)
Mac Installer Download (1.1)
If you have installed the plotter before:
Windows Download (1.1)
Mac Download (1.1)
What's new in version 1.1:
- Three new plot types – Scatter (color), Histogram, and Diurnal. Scatter (color) plots two data fields in an x-y plot and colors the points based on a third data field. Histogram creates a histogram of a single data field. Diurnal plots the average values for day and night for a data field vs. time. Diurnal works best when the data has a large range of time (each day of data produces just two points).
- You can now adjust the x-axis in a time-series plot.
- The "Open Plot" feature has been changed to "Save Plot" that saves the plot as an image.
Using the Plotter:
- Loading Data: Launch the application (this takes some time as it has to load the MCR) and click on the "Get Data" button to load some data. You can select multiple data files at a time so long as they are in the format that is output by the pods. Only select data from one pod at a time – the plotter can handle data from multiple pods at once, but data from each pod has to be loaded individually through the "Add Data" button.
- Create a Plot: Select the data sets that you'd like to plot by checking the boxes next to each data field (e.g. CO2 or O3). You can select multiple fields to plot together. There are some limitations to this; discover which plots work and which plots don't by playing around with different combinations. There are seven plot types: Line, Scatter, Scatter (color), Boxplot, Histogram, Wind Rose, and Diurnal. Select a plot type by clicking on the text in the list on the right. Boxplots and Histograms can only be created by selecting a single data field (if you have data from multiple pods loaded it will make multiple boxplots). Wind roses can only be created by selecting the "Wind Direction" field and another data field. The plotter will not plot data fields that have no data loaded into them.
- Modify a Plot: You can change the axes limits of a plot by entering values into the boxes in the bottom right of the window. If you have two data fields plotted against time, you can adjust the axes limits of both data fields by using the drop-down box containing "Primary Axes" and "Secondary Axes."
- Saving a Plot: You can save a plot by clicking on the "Save Plot" button.
Note: this tool is a work in progress. Features will be added and improved as time goes on. If you identify any glitches or have any ideas for new features, feel free to send an email to
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