
Heating and Indoor Air Quality on the Navajo Nation

Page history last edited by joanna.gordon@colorado.edu 10 years, 11 months ago


 Project Summary:

The Hannigan Research Group is collaborating with Dine College to investigate indoor air quality in homes in Shiprock, New Mexico, and Tsaile, Arizona.  We spend much of our time indoors, particularly in the winter, when we generally burn some type of fuel as a source of heat for our homes.  The combustion of fuels in our homes can be a source of pollutants that can accumulate in the relatively small volume of indoor space.  Many parameters can affect the quality of our indoor air when burning fuel for heat such as:  stove or furnace type, stove or furnace maintenance, home ventilation and air exchange rate, fuel type, fuel quantity, among other parameters.  In this study we will monitor the air inside and outside of a number of homes, grouping homes by the type of fuel they burn for heat.  We are sampling in a number of homes burning primarily wood, pellets, propane or natural gas, and coal.  





 Heating and Indoor Air Quality Project Calendar

 Project Gantt Chart:   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkuO5V4Ec2redE5BV2dmUUhOcDEtY0ZiVWdJUV8wemc&usp=sharing

 Project Documents:  Heating and Indoor AQ Docs

 Home Sampling Schedule by Home Code: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccckey=0AkuO5V4Ec2redG1tUE4xUjM3SENMTUowd3NQUlN0OFE&usp=sharing#gid=0























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